We offer a variety of accessories for your steam-room use. Saunas are always supplied with an accessory package. Steam room equipment is not.
We offer inline water filters that work to prevent sediment and particulates from entering the steam generator, risking clogging the delicate valve systems.
We offer steam room fold-up seats if you do not have a built-in bench. Standing in a steam room is not comfortable. You need to sit and relax.
We do NOT offer whole house circuit breakers as the right product is dependent on your geographic location. They protect the delicate steam generators from being damaged from voltage spikes, as well as all of your electronics. They are cheap and well worth it.
Be sure to specify one for your steam room installation.
We have flow-controlled aroma oil pumps and aroma oils that mix special scented aroma oils into the steam line creating a very soothing steam bathing experience.------------------------
We offer some amazing low-voltage steam room lights in a variety of styles. The white lights may be used with a low cost dimmer if needed. The LED multicolored lights cannot, although you can select the solid color you want to display. The Infinity steam line includes a multicolored LED light with the package at no extra charge.
The low voltage lights are available in a variety of trim finishes. The light housings that have the electronic components are supplied in five different types to accommodate different electrical requirements. You can use a dimmer with these products.
These fold down seats are perfect for rooms without built in benches, typical small steam rooms that don't have the space. The fold up out of the way, and down so that the user can relax and enjoy the benefits of steam.
These 13" x 20" teak seats are perfect for your steam room session.
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